Planned Giving

Nelsons Create a Lasting Legacy with an Estate-Plan Gift to Benefit Mercer

Dr. Homer S. “Doc” and Kay Nelson

Dr. Homer S. “Doc” Nelson graduated from Mercer in 1955 and went on to attend the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) in Augusta. Following medical school, he completed an internship at Macon Hospital and a residency in ophthalmology at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. Upon completing his residency, Doc returned to Macon where, in 1962, he began his private practice, Eye Physicians Professional Association. For 35 years, Doc practiced ophthalmology, serving generations of Macon families.

Kay Nelson graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and accepted a position teaching Spanish at Brown High School in Atlanta. She married in 1960 and moved to Macon with her late husband, daughter, and son. Kay and Doc met in 1984, and he begged her to marry him—an offer she happily accepted.

When Doc and Kay’s children were grown and the couple entered retirement, they began attending athletic events and concerts at Mercer. As avid sports fans, they quickly realized that Mercer’s athletic program gave them an outlet for their energetic and competitive spirits. They also enjoy the quality entertainment and talent demonstrated in the musical concerts and the live theater performances on campus. In addition, they support the Mercer On Mission program that changes the lives of students who are seeking to change the world.

Doc and Kay wanted to do something special to celebrate the occasion of their upcoming 40th wedding anniversary and decided to update their estate plans to include Mercer. Their plans will create a lasting legacy in their names that will honor the impact Mercer has had on their lives and will also impact the lives of current and future Mercer students.


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