Planned Giving

Giving with Gratitude

Drayton and Mary Etta Sanders

Given the nickname “Mercer grandparents” by a recent graduate they directed to the University, Drayton and Mary Etta Sanders love Mercer University and love sending students to their alma mater.

“We are both dedicated to lifelong learning and are vitally interested in providing quality education for young people as they come along,” Mary Etta said. “We consider Mercer a good place for them to get it. So, what better thing can we do with our money?”

The Sanderses support the Mercer Athletic Foundation, University Libraries, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the McAfee School of Theology. A new interest of theirs is the Center for Teaching Churches, which works to place McAfee graduates in churches that provide environments where they can succeed. As members of a teaching church at First Baptist Church of Dalton, the Sanderess have witnessed how well the Center for Teaching Churches supports new ministers.

“I profited so much from an internship and residency program before beginning my medical practice,” Drayton said. “Similar support for young ministers leaving seminary gives them practical experience and mentoring as a transition to full ministerial responsibilities.”

In addition to their generous annual giving, the Sanderses’ estate plan ensure that their contributions will continue as long as Mercer endures.

“It goes beyond gratitude to the University though,” Mary Etta said. “In order to express gratitude to God and as a matter of good stewardship, we want to put our resources into a good cause, a good place.”

Gifts to Mercer make a difference in the lives of our students. For more information on ways to give, contact the Planned Giving Office at (800) 837-2911.


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